Monday, October 10, 2011

October Snapshots

A glimpse of what my October looks like:

Carls been bad
Carlie's shot
Our pumpkin pie
Tanning in October
the right
The Road Down
Left or right

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Paul Buyan

Just a skeleton of a poster series I am putting together for my graphic design class. 1 of 4 folk heroes to come. Enjoy:

Paul Buyan

Flamingo at ease've probably seen this loopy flamingo on this blog before..I have drawn this same image multiple times because I can't get it out of my mind! BUT THERES A DIFFERENCE I SWEAR I PROMISE I'M NOT THAT BORING!! ok its a barely a difference but I added more texture within the feathers. In each scale or basically the U-shape texture that can be seen in most of my drawings, I drew more lines that really give each of the individual feather a extra pop. Exciting right? I think so.
Flamingo at ease

Nice to Meet you...again

I just thought I would revisit this drawing from the summer. I added more texture to their shirts and their hair. I love the scale of this drawing ( its 20x24in!) and adding more texture really makes them pop from the page.
Nice to Meet you


Remember this Unfinished ostrich?? It is finally complete! I am very pleased with how it came together. Its on 20 x 24 in Archer covers paper and assembled with a hot glue gun. More textured pieces like this are soon to come!

Ostrich (up close)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lets do some mathematics

Beginning of my senior year + 18 units + putting together a portfolio + getting pieces ready to show + laziness = no blog up dates.

Thousands apologizes for having a life. Anyways here a doodle I did while taking notes in web design, as you can see..I got a little carried away:

Hopefully more new fun whimsical things will pop up more frequently! Hopefully....

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


White crayon on black paper

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Yukon potato print

Just playing around with different types of relief prints.

I really like the juxtaposition of the flat print top half to a more textured print on the bottom half. Using something as natural as a potato really give this print a more organic feel which is what I love about relief prints.
Yukon potato relief (No.1)
Yukon potato relief (No.2)
Yukon potato relief (No.3)

Birthday Blackboard

How cool is this blackboard Andrew made me for my birthday? I am super stoked on this! Andrew and I found this cool frame at a garage sale and I am going to keep my eye out for some more! I drew a quick blind contour of my hands on my new blackboard and I cannot wait to take this back to San Diego with me.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


A quick pen illustration (colored in photoshop) inspired by my olallieberry picking trip a couple weeks ago

Summer Images

Our oak
Pigeon point
1/3 of rocks
taken with that piece of crap walgreen camera! iiiiiiiii think its about time to upgrade...