Friday, May 27, 2011

A thousand apologies

to all of my thousand friends!

I have ridiculously busy this past month & I haven't had time to update. Well I probably did but I was probably:

d)attempting to do homework
e)digging a hole to China

I was most likely doing all of the above at once..thats how busy I am! But I promise to hop on the blog bandwagon once I am done with summer school, the true culprit of robbing me of any fun. Anyways, be distracted of how cute Dwight is and I hope this can make up for my poor blog skillz.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong

I have been wanting to do portraits using crayons for awhile now and I finally found some spare time. I chose to do portraits of Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong who are two of my favorite singers. I absolutely adore the both of them and I am head over heels over their duets so it is only fitting to draw the both of them:

AS a side note: I drew Ella first and I am overall pleased with the result. But one thing I noticed was that the crayon is tighter in the face and looser around her neck. I thought the looseness was a nice quality. So when I drew Louie I decided to keep it loose and I think that the overall result is more successful then Ella. It has more expression and character and its free. But as a pair I like them both together although I may redraw Ella in the future..

Louis Armstrong

Here are some of my favorite duets from Ella and Louis! I hope you enjoy:

Monday, May 9, 2011

Typography posters

We had to make a typography book for on my classes this semester. I only used the typeface Twentieth Century and made typography posters from quotes from the twentieth century. I was only allowed to use two colors but I played around with them on my own time and I think the extra colors give them a kick:

Paul simon
Margaret Mead
Feeling good

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Four eyes

Four eyes
A quick anything-to-distract-me-from-studying illustration. A pen drawing I played around with in photoshop


My mom is beautiful and amazing.

I am so lucky to have her as a mom.

She's so cool, she even has her own song:

Happy Mother's day!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Crayons, Crayons, Crayons

I am 20 years old and I love crayons. So yea. I'm weird.

Here are my crayon drawings I did this weekend and theres a lot more to come. I love drawing quick fast illustrations because it gives them character. Anyways, I broke about every crayon in the 12 pack within 6 months of owning them and I just picked up a big 48 that should last a bit longer. (btw yes I know I spelled pomegranate wrong but whatevs).

A Blue Whatever
Two toed

Lady's Bug

A fun little painting I did earlier this week. I got the idea of this painting in class and I had to rush home to put it down on canvas. I loved how it turned out and again like always how simple it is. Its acrylic and gauche 8x8 in canvas .

Lady's bug
Lady's bug (up close)
I think its a little evident that I need a bigger work space....