Monday, May 31, 2010

I MET ZOOEY DESCHANEL ( and her parents)

Andddddddddd saw Flight of the Conchords! Two concerts in one weekend?? My first and only concert was Celine Dion when I was 8 so this weekend was a whole new experience for me.

Flight of the Conchords were soooo good! It was at UC Berkeley in the Greek theatre. It was HUGE and was PACKED. It was cool because you could see the San Fran and the sunset over the golden gate. It had to be one of the prettiest nights I have seen in a long time. I was able to snag these two pictures: is the story of how I was able to meet Buddy the Elf's wife (taken from Jen's blog) :

"i went to go see she and him tonight with jamie, kelly, kristina and andrew.
once i brought up my love for zooey to my friend alisa whose step-dad jeff is a beach boy.
jeff is friends with zooey.
i got jeff's number and texted him, "hi jeff, it's jen the mexican. i am going to see your friend zooey tonight in oakland. wanta tell her that i'd love to meet her?"
and jeff was so nice. he called her and told her i was his niece.
backstage passes were on will call and i picked up two."

After that we cast lots and I won! SO Jen and I met her after the show and saw her husband Ben Gibbard! She was super friendly and so were her parents (who were both sporting perfectly round glasses!) Over all, this was a wonderful concert experience! I also got her autograph because she doesn't take pictures which is understandable. I felt like I was at disneyland getting a character to sign my autograph book!

The She & Him concert was in Oakland at the Fox Theatre which is super ornate but still pretty cool.This was our view:

Week in photos

Sooo i finally got an external hard drive and I can finally upload pictures to my computer again!

Here are pictures from this past week:

My favorite cousins came over to eat all our ice cream and swim in our pool

Peanut butter and honey sandwich, grapefruit, and vanilla black tea is the best food for a rainy day

Even though getting lost in San Francisco is extremely stressful, there are still hints of tranquility

Walls of vegetables in organic hippie super markets in santa cruz

Memorial day consisted of watching the coast line being swallowed by a very hungry fog

My mother always makes us drive 20 minutes out of our way home to get fried artichokes

I think I might make this weekly thing. Yessir.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dwight and John Muir

A painting and a couple of new illustrations I have done over the past couple of weeks!


I am in love with this quote by John Muir. It rings true to my art and it is exactly how I feel about life! I made this with india ink and it now lives in my room.

After traveling around in Europe for three months, sleeping in my own bed is a simple pleasure I do not take for granted

Dwight is extremely photogenic


I went to Arizona last week to drive back to California with my sister. Here's a few photos I took:

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

An Explaination

I have not been able to update this for a while because my internet has been down. I am finally going to have my keyboard fixed AND I have plenty of new drawings and pictures to post!

But here is my day which was a little ridiculous: got in a car accident by some fat man with his zipper down, got my keyboard fixed for free (but would cost $180 if I had to pay), went to San Francisco to pick up a pair of Flight of the Conchords tickets for their concert friday night in Berkeley, then ended with a night the Giants game.

Hectic but wonderfully fun.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dear Paris,

I miss you and your feel, your smells, your sounds, your tastes, and your magnificent sights.

Monday, May 10, 2010


First painting since europe..I'm slowly liking painting more than drawing....but very slowly...

I would recommend clicking on the picture to see closer details

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.

-John Muir

Friday, May 7, 2010

48 hours in London Town

I was lucky enough spent two extra days in London. It was wonderful to see the trees wearing their green sweaters and the flowers in full boom. Here are a few pictures I snapped:

Hyde park in spring

Portobello Antique Market

Wonderful blue skies and trees wearing clothing (its about time!)

My boyfriend's new antique watch(from the 60's)

Portobello madness!

Oh what a night

Last night, I lassoed the moon
I tugged and pulled
until he was in my room
I looked in his many eyes
And asked him
what he has seen in the skies
He told me of unknown worlds,
mischievous monsters,
and galatic folklore.
As the sun was awakening,
I pleaded to hear more
but the moon just grinned
and walked out the back door

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

First week

I have only been home a week and this song rings true. And sweet deal on art supplies today in Santa Cruz. 4 canvases, 5 art pens, 18 set of paints all for 30 dollars. Hopefully, I will create something fun and pictures will surely follow.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


after being apart of nomadic tribe for three months, i am finally home. i forgot how much i love my room and my sea of blankets. oh..iiiiiiiiiii successfully snuck a cuban cigar into the states. having my extremely obese french bulldog sleeping at my feet is a good way to start summer vacation.